Body Banter is Hong Kong-based registered S88 charity (91/18424) on a mission to empower youth voices in conversations about body image and mental health.
談·身是一個本地 S88 註冊的非牟利組織(91/18424)。我們的使命是鼓勵和支持青年人參與有關身體形象和精神健康的討論。
Through our programs and workshops, we aim to foster curiosity and courage in the communities we work with, helping them navigate conversations about body image and mental health topics on their own terms.
What We Offer
Why our work matters 我們工作的重要性
Struggling with body image issues is not ‘just’ about being concerned with how our bodies look. Messages from the media and society at large have taught us to view our physical appearance as direct reflections of who we are on the inside. Thus, how we view our bodies can significantly impact our sense of self, how we care for mental and physical wellbeing, and how we interact with others.
Words have the power to shape how we view ourselves and others: just as we shape the stories we tell, these stories also shape us. Popular media messages frequently emphasize ways that we can “sculpt”, “transform” and “change” our bodies, leaving little room for us to “love”, “appreciate”, and “celebrate” them.
There is a strong link between our ability to self-express and our overall wellbeing: research shows that connecting with others is a basic human need, as fundamental to us as eating, drinking water, and sleeping. Asian cultural beliefs applauding emotional suppression can make us feel reluctant to practice self-disclosure, leading us to feel disconnected, lonely, and misunderstood.
Conversations can change the narrative, and empower us to become active agents for change. Conversing with others about our personal experiences and observations surrounding body image and mental health issues helps us “re-story” existing narratives. We lend language to one another, helping each other see the limitations of our existing narratives and explore ways to broaden our current perspectives. We become embodied examples of the change we wish to see in our communities.
Our Impact So Far 我們的影響
11 Conversation Communities
at high schools and universities in 3 countries
(Hong Kong, the U.S. and Canada)
10 個傾「身」事討論小組
10 Educational Modules & a Bilingual (Cantonese and English) Dictionary Resource
for youth and their families
10 個學習單元,以及一個有關身體形象的雙語(中英文)詞典庫
60+ Youth Mental Health Advocates and 11 Interns
in creating advocacy projects and initiatives
40 位大使和 6 位實習生計劃及執行倡議活動
interactive workshops to over 2,000 individuals
at high school, university, corporate, and NGO communities
互動工作坊,合共參與人數超過 2,000
Donate to support our work.
Body Banter is currently a fully volunteer-run organization. While we are proud of the work we have done so far, we are also eager to continue developing and expanding the range and quality of our programs to empower more youth in Hong Kong. Donations of any amount are appreciated. Thank you for all your support! :)
*All donations of more than HKD$100 are tax-exempt.