Welcome to our Community Corner

The Community Corner is where we showcase the incredible advocacy projects created by our community members that explore their experiences and perspectives about body image and mental health. These advocacy projects were created with our mentorship and guidance.

This is also where we share toolkits created by our community members that provide support to other mental health advocates.


Be a part of our online community on Discord where everybody is welcome to engage in conversations about body image and mental health!

Get equipped for your mental health advocacy journey!

Explore current advocacy projects.


The Banter Broadcasts

The Banter Broadcasts is our community podcast where various Banter-bassadors and members of our team host candid conversations with awesome humans who are rewriting the way we talk about our bodies.


The Banter Blog

The Banter Blog houses our collection of articles written by various Banter-bassadors and guest writers who share candid mental health stories, bold commentary on social media influencers, and everything in between.

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Above the Influencer

Above the Influencer is a podcast hosted by our very own Banter-bassador, Isabelle, featuring commentaries and conversations on the links between pop culture and body image.

Explore past advocacy projects.

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Moments for the Mind

Moments for the Mind are guided meditations led by YooNa Kim, a certified yoga teacher.

Gabe’s Grooves

Whatever your current mood, Gabe’s got you! Tune into playlists curated by our in-house groove guru to energize or wind down.


Explore our community’s social media campaigns.

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Uncovering Us

Challenging our community to peel back the layers of “shoulds” that social media has created, and reveal your true self.

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Bea’s Body of Words

Collecting poetry and doodles to highlight unfiltered stories about mental health and body image.